Wednesday, February 22, 2023

VeryUtils AI Writer is an AI writing assistant that helps you create high-quality content

VeryUtils AI Writer is an AI writing assistant that helps you create high-quality content, in just a few seconds, at a fraction of the cost! With VeryUtils AI Writer, you can effortlessly create SEO-optimized content in no time. From keyword research to producing an SEO-friendly article, everything can be done in one convenient location. Say goodbye to writer's block with AI-generated content that's tailored to your needs. Use our powerful tool to automatically create blog posts or customize your own templates. Get started today and create high-quality content that ranks with ease.

Are you struggling to create compelling marketing copy for your blog, social media, website, or other platforms? Look no further than VeryUtils AI Writer for PHP Script. With the power of artificial intelligence, you can generate original, creative, and keyword-rich content in seconds.

Our team of SEO and Direct Response Marketing experts has trained our AI to write high-quality blog articles, social media posts, website copy, and more. Whether you're looking to boost your SEO rankings or increase your ad conversions, VeryUtils AI Writer can help.

One of the key benefits of using our AI Writer is its ability to create original content that ranks for SEO. With keyword-rich and plagiarism-free blog articles, you can increase your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic. In addition, you can easily write and test more copy variations to improve your sales and return on ad spend.

Not only can VeryUtils AI Writer help you create content faster, but it can also help you overcome writer's block. Staring at a blank page can be frustrating, but with our AI's ability to generate creative copy ideas, you can relax and let the robot do the work for you.

If language barriers are holding you back, you'll be pleased to know that VeryUtils AI Writer supports over 25 languages. This makes it easy for you to write creatively and clearly, no matter your native tongue.

But that's not all - with over 50 copywriting skills available, you can easily switch between techniques such as the blog introduction and storyteller to create the perfect piece of content in just a few minutes. And with our SEO technology, you can optimize your blog posts to rank at the top of search results.

With VeryUtils AI Writer for PHP Script, you can scale up your content marketing efforts quickly and easily. Repurpose existing content and generate new content without the need to hire junior writers. Finish your first draft 10 times faster and start reaping the benefits of high-quality content today. Try it out for free and see how easy it is to create compelling marketing copy with the power of artificial intelligence.

VeryUtils AiWriter Tool is a powerful AI Content Generator Tool And Writing Assistant

VeryUtils AiWriter Tool is a powerful AI Content Generator Tool And Writing Assistant. Welcome to the world of AI-powered content creation! In today's fast-paced digital age, creating high-quality content that is both engaging and optimized for search engines is more important than ever. That's where VeryUtils AiWriter comes in, the ultimate AI content generator and writing assistant tool created with SAAS, and written in PHP script.

VeryUtils AiWriter is a powerful tool designed to help users save time and increase their productivity by generating high-quality, unique content in just a few clicks. The AI engine is trained on a large corpus of text and uses machine learning algorithms to generate content that is coherent, grammatically correct, and semantically meaningful. This AI-powered content generator tool with SAAS module can help businesses, content creators, and marketers generate articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and other types of content quickly and efficiently. Some of its highlight features include AI Text Generation, a User-Friendly Interface, a SAAS Model, Customizable Text, Fast and Efficient Writing Production, Cost-Effective Solutions, Support for a Wide Range of Writing Styles, Multi-Language Support, and Innovative Technology.

One of the key features of VeryUtils AiWriter is its writing assistant capabilities. With its user-friendly interface, VeryUtils AiWriter can be used by both technical and non-technical users to produce high-quality written content. This makes it a cost-effective solution for producing high-quality writing compared to hiring a writer or copy editor.

VeryUtils AiWriter also offers customizable text, allowing generated text to be edited and customized to meet specific user needs. The tool can produce writing in a matter of seconds, making it a highly efficient tool for content creation. Additionally, VeryUtils AiWriter is capable of generating writing in various tones and styles, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. The tool also supports multiple languages including English, French, Spanish, Arabic, and more, making it a versatile tool for global users.

VeryUtils AiWriter is built on PHP Script, which is known for its strong security features. The development team has ensured that the tool is secure from SQL injection, XSS attack, and CSRF attack. Furthermore, the tool is compatible with desktop, laptop, mobile, and major browsers, making it accessible from any device.

With its AI Text Generation feature, VeryUtils AiWriter utilizes the OpenAI API to generate high-quality and human-like writing with ease. Its User-Friendly Interface makes it easy to use and navigate, allowing users to generate texts in just a few clicks.

VeryUtils AiWriter is an innovative and effective solution for anyone looking to streamline their content creation process and produce high-quality written content with ease. With its AI-powered content generation and writing assistant capabilities, customizable text, and multiple language support, VeryUtils AiWriter is the ultimate tool for creating engaging, high-quality content. So why wait? Try VeryUtils AiWriter today and revolutionize your content creation process with cutting-edge AI technology.

Monday, February 20, 2023

VeryUtils File Manager is a powerful file management tool that allows you to host and share files on your own server

VeryUtils File Manager is a powerful file management tool that allows you to host and share files on your own server. It is a simple and flexible plug-and-play file manager that is easy to use and comes with plenty of options. Whether you need to send files to your customers, create new users with dedicated folders, or simply use it as your personal file cloud, VeryUtils File Manager can help you do it all.

One of the key features of VeryUtils File Manager is its easy installation process. All you need to do is copy all of the files to your server, do your first login, and update your password. It doesn't require a database or any coding skills, and it supports any language, including Right-to-Left options. It's also easy to customize, so you can tailor it to your specific needs and brand.

With VeryUtils File Manager, you can upload big files without worrying about your server's upload_max_filesize limit. It supports chunked file uploads with the HTML5 file API, making it easy to upload large files quickly and efficiently. You can also manage your files and folders with ease, thanks to the folder tree navigation, sortable items by name, date, and size, pagination, and group actions. You can download multiple files as .zip archives, move and copy files through directories, and delete files and folders. Server-side processed lists via Ajax provide quick and seamless updates.

In addition to file management, VeryUtils File Manager includes robust file sharing features. You can share files via e-mail form, set link expiration times, and enable password-protected links for added security. You can also preview images quickly, use inline thumbnails, and play audio and video files directly in the browser.

VeryUtils File Manager also provides detailed statistics on file usage. You can generate daily, weekly, and monthly reports and trend charts for date ranges. You can also export logs as .csv and set up optional e-mail notifications for any activity.

Finally, VeryUtils File Manager is fully internationalized, with multilanguage support, RTL support, and a translations editor. It comes with over 30 skins included, customizable logos, headers, and descriptions, and customizable alerts and e-mail HTML templates. The administration panel also comes with customizable color schemes, making it easy to match your brand's aesthetic.

Overall, VeryUtils File Manager is a powerful and flexible file management tool that can help you manage your files and users with ease. Whether you need to share files with customers or collaborate with team members, VeryUtils File Manager can help you get the job done. Its easy installation, chunked file uploads, and robust user management features make it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a simple and reliable file management solution.

VeryUtils File Manager Highlight Features:
• Folder tree navigation
• Rename Files and Folders
• Sortable items by name, date and size
• Pagination
• Download Folders
• Group actions
• Download multiple files as .zip archives
• Delete files and Folders
• Move files through directories
• Copy files through directories
• Server side processed lists via Ajax

• Multiple roles with custom permissions
• Assign one or more specific directories per user
• Optional Max available space per user
• User Sign Up (optional)
• User panel
• Profile picture & default avatars
• Password recovery
• Upload notifications between users
• E-mail notifications to new users

• Upload BIG files
• Remote uploader
• Pause / Resume
• Drag & drop uploader
• Multiple file uploading
• Upload progress

• E-Mail form
• Link expiration time
• Optional password protected links

• Quick image preview
• Inline thumbnails
• Audio player
• Video player

• Global search
• Quick search module
• Archive map navigation

• IP blacklist / whitelist
• Optional CAPTCHA security code for login and shared links
• Google reCAPTCHA
• Hotlinks prenvented

• Daily / Weekly / Monthly reports
• Trend charts for date ranges
• Export logs as .csv
• Optional E-mail notifications for any activity

• Multilanguage (20+ included)
• RTL support
• Translations editor

• 30+ skins included
• Customizable Logo, Header, Description
• Customizable alerts
• Custom E-Mail HTML templates
• Custom administration panel color schemes

Sunday, February 19, 2023

VeryUtils SmallPNG is the ultimate tool for optimizing your website's PNG images, reducing file sizes by up to 80% while maintaining quality

VeryUtils SmallPNG is the ultimate tool for optimizing your website's PNG images, reducing file sizes by up to 80% while maintaining quality. In today's digital age, images play an essential role in creating engaging and interactive web pages. However, images can also significantly impact the performance of a website, making it slow to load and increasing bandwidth usage. To solve this problem, image optimization tools are used to reduce the size of image files while maintaining image quality. One such tool is VeryUtils SmallPNG, a command-line software that optimizes PNG image files by compressing and removing unnecessary data.

What is VeryUtils SmallPNG?

VeryUtils SmallPNG is an advanced PNG image optimizer tool that compresses and optimizes PNG image files by removing unnecessary data and reducing their size, while still maintaining the image's quality. The software converts images to an efficient 8-bit PNG format with an alpha channel, resulting in files that are often 60-80% smaller than 24/32-bit PNG files.

SmallPNG is a command-line utility and library that uses lossy compression of PNG images to reduce file sizes, often by as much as 70%. This makes it a powerful tool for reducing the size of images that you want to use on the web, as smaller image files will load faster and use less bandwidth. The compressed images generated by SmallPNG are fully standards-compliant and supported by all web browsers and operating systems.

Features of VeryUtils SmallPNG:
* Automatic optimization of all PNG images on your website.
* Efficient 8-bit PNG format with alpha channel, reducing file sizes by up to 60-80%.
* Compatible with all web browsers and operating systems.
* Command-line utility and library for use in scripts and applications.
* Lossy compression of PNG images, reducing file sizes by up to 70%.
* Full alpha transparency preserved in generated images.
* PHP script provided for compressing all PNG image files in a folder and sub-folders recursively.

Benefits of VeryUtils SmallPNG:
* Faster loading time: SmallPNG helps to reduce the size of image files, making them load faster on web pages. This can help to improve the overall performance of the website.
* Reduced bandwidth usage: By reducing the size of image files, SmallPNG helps to reduce the amount of bandwidth used, which can be particularly important for websites that receive high levels of traffic.
* Improved user experience: Faster loading times and reduced bandwidth usage can lead to a better user experience for website visitors, which can help to increase engagement and conversions.
* Command-line utility and library: SmallPNG is a versatile tool that can be integrated into scripts and applications, making it a useful resource for web developers and designers.

VeryUtils SmallPNG is an advanced PNG image optimizer tool that can significantly reduce the size of PNG image files while maintaining their quality. The software is easy to use and is compatible with all web browsers and operating systems. With its lossy compression of PNG images, SmallPNG can reduce file sizes by up to 70%, making it a powerful tool for improving website performance and user experience. Whether you are a web developer, designer, or simply looking to optimize your website's images, VeryUtils SmallPNG is a valuable tool that can help to achieve your goals.

Automatically compress all PNG images on your website with VeryUtils SmallPNG software

Automatically compress all PNG images on your website with VeryUtils SmallPNG software. The VeryUtils SmallPNG software provides an automatic solution to compress all PNG images on your website. By converting images to an efficient 8-bit PNG format with alpha channel, VeryUtils SmallPNG significantly reduces file sizes, often up to 60-80% smaller than 24/32-bit PNG files. The compressed images generated are fully standards-compliant and supported by all web browsers and operating systems.

Properly optimised image files can improve performance and reduce bandwidth usage for your website. Optimisation is an easy and worthwhile effort that can be done losslessly, with no quality loss and an end result that looks exactly the same as the original. So, there's no excuse for not doing it.

If you have a large folder of images, including sub-folders and sub-sub-folders, VeryUtils SmallPNG can quickly optimize all the images recursively in a directory. VeryUtils SmallPNG is a command-line utility and a library that uses lossy compression of PNG images to reduce file sizes, often by as much as 70%. The software preserves full alpha transparency, and the generated images are compatible with all web browsers and operating systems.

VeryUtils SmallPNG comes with a range of highlight features that make it a powerful tool for PNG image compression. The software's palette generation relies on a combination of vector quantization algorithms to produce high-quality results.

VeryUtils SmallPNG also uses an adaptive dithering algorithm, which is unique in that it adds less noise to images than the standard Floyd-Steinberg algorithm.

The software is easy to integrate with shell scripts, GUIs and server-side software, making it a versatile solution for developers who need to optimize their images.

Additionally, VeryUtils SmallPNG's fast mode allows for real-time processing of large numbers of images, making it a convenient and time-efficient option for web developers who need to compress many images at once.

Recursively Optimize PNG Files using VeryUtils SmallPNG command
VeryUtils SmallPNG's command-line utility is an excellent tool for optimizing PNG files and improving website speed while reducing bandwidth usage. One of its greatest advantages is its lossless optimization, which means that the PNG files maintain their quality throughout the process, making it an ideal solution for web developers.

The software is especially useful when dealing with large numbers of PNG files, including those within sub-directories. Manually optimizing such files using traditional tools like GIMP or other image editors can be a daunting and time-consuming task.

VeryUtils SmallPNG, however, is the go-to PNG optimization tool for Windows, Unix, and Linux users. Its recursive optimization feature allows for fast and easy optimization of PNG files, making it a popular choice among web developers.

What does VeryUtils SmallPNG do?
VeryUtils SmallPNG is a tool that utilizes intelligent lossy compression techniques to reduce the size of your JPEG, PNG, and WEBP files. By selectively decreasing the number of colors in the image, the software reduces the number of bytes required to store the data. Although the effect is barely visible to the naked eye, it has a significant impact on the size of the file.

Why should I use VeryUtils SmallPNG?
PNG is a valuable image format because it's the only widely supported format that allows for partially transparent images. However, despite using compression, PNG files can still be quite large, which can negatively impact the performance of your apps and websites. This is where VeryUtils SmallPNG comes in - the software can effectively shrink images, allowing for reduced file sizes, lower bandwidth usage, and faster loading times.

How does it work?
VeryUtils SmallPNG works by utilizing a technique called "quantization" to combine similar colors in your uploaded PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file. This process effectively reduces the number of colors in the image, enabling the conversion of 24-bit PNG files to much smaller 8-bit indexed color images. In addition to color reduction, the software also removes all unnecessary metadata from the file.

As a result, the software produces high-quality PNG files with full support for transparency, while also significantly reducing the file size. With VeryUtils SmallPNG, users can enjoy the best of both worlds - high-quality images that take up less space.

Is it supported everywhere?
VeryUtils SmallPNG produces files that are compatible with all modern web browsers, including mobile devices, and can be displayed without any issues. Even if you need to support older browsers like Internet Explorer 6, which typically ignores PNG transparency and displays a solid background color, VeryUtils SmallPNG can help. The software ensures that the background becomes transparent again, resulting in binary transparency without the need for any workarounds. This means that your images can be viewed seamlessly across all platforms, making it an ideal choice for optimizing images for the web.

What Does It Mean to Optimize Images?
Optimizing images involves reducing their file size to speed up the load time of your web pages, which can improve the user experience. Large images can slow down your website, making it less efficient for users. VeryUtils SmallPNG software offers lossy and lossless compression methods to decrease the file size of images, which can help to improve page load times. By optimizing images, you can create a more streamlined and faster website that provides a better user experience.

$ smallpng --help

usage:  smallpng [options] [ncolors] -- pngfile [pngfile ...]
        smallpng [options] [ncolors] - >stdout <stdin

  --force           overwrite existing output files (synonym: -f)
  --skip-if-larger  only save converted files if they're smaller than original
  --output file     destination file path to use instead of --ext (synonym: -o)
  --ext new.png     set custom suffix/extension for output filenames
  --quality min-max don't save below min, use fewer colors below max (0-100)
  --speed N         speed/quality trade-off. 1=slow, 4=default, 11=fast & rough
  --nofs            disable Floyd-Steinberg dithering
  --posterize N     output lower-precision color (e.g. for ARGB4444 output)
  --strip           remove optional metadata (default on Mac)
  --verbose         print status messages (synonym: -v)

VeryUtils SmallPNG can quantize one or more 32-bit RGBA PNG files to 8-bit (or smaller) RGBA-palette, which reduces the file size without any loss in quality. The name of the output file will be the same as the input file, but with an extension of "-fs8.png", "-or8.png", or a custom extension if specified. If the input file is provided via standard input (stdin), the quantized image will be sent to standard output (stdout).

To process a single file and output the quantized image to stdout, the special output path "-" can be used along with the input file. If the output file already exists, the default behavior is to skip the conversion. However, the "--force" option can be used to overwrite the output file.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line is a powerful tool

VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line is a powerful tool that allows users to easily convert SVG files to PDF files with high quality and accuracy. It is a great choice for businesses in the medical, legal, and financial sectors, who require precise replication of data for use in mobile, print, and web applications. With its many features and benefits, it is the go-to choice for converting SVG to PDF files.

One of the main advantages of VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line is its command-line interface (CLI), which allows users to quickly and easily call the converter from within their own application environment. This feature is ideal for developers who want to integrate the converter into their own applications, as it offers customization options and a wide range of tools to process high volumes of files.

In addition to the CLI, VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line offers a variety of batch conversion options, including hot folders, programs, and scripts. These options make it easy to process large volumes of files quickly and efficiently.

Another key benefit of VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line is its ability to preserve formatting, including whitespace and alignment. This is particularly important for businesses in the medical, legal, and financial sectors, where accuracy and consistency are crucial. With VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line, users can be assured that their PDF files will match the original SVG files exactly, with no loss of data or formatting.

Font handling is also an important feature of VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line. It supports embedded SVG fonts, including TTF, OTF, WOFF, and Type 3 fonts, and these fonts are embedded in the PDF output file. This ensures that the PDF files are readable on any device or platform, with no need for the user to install additional fonts.

VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line also provides an exact visual replica from the source SVG file. This means that the PDF files will look exactly like the original SVG files, with no loss of detail or quality. This is an important feature for businesses in the medical, legal, and financial sectors, where accuracy and clarity are paramount.

VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line supports the most commonly used SVG versions, including 1, 1.1, and 1.2. This ensures that the converter is compatible with the majority of SVG files, and can be used by a wide range of users.

Finally, one of the most attractive features of VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line is its royalty-free licensing model for developers. This means that developers can integrate the converter into their own applications without any additional fees or limitations, making it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes.

In conclusion, VeryUtils SVG to PDF Converter Command Line is a powerful and versatile tool that offers a wide range of features and benefits, making it an ideal choice for businesses in the medical, legal, and financial sectors. With its many features, including the CLI, batch conversion options, formatting preservation, font handling, exact visual replica, SVG version compatibility, and royalty-free licensing for developers, it is a must-have tool for anyone looking to convert SVG files to PDF files.

Monday, February 13, 2023

VeryUtils Responsive PHP Contact Form with jQuery AJAX

 VeryUtils Responsive PHP Contact Form with jQuery AJAX. VeryUtils Responsive Ajax Contact Form is a cutting-edge tool for web developers and website owners looking to streamline their contact process. This powerful form solution is designed to provide a seamless user experience by eliminating the need for page reloads when submitting contact requests. With its responsive design and extensive compatibility with various devices and browsers, VeryUtils Responsive Ajax Contact Form is the perfect solution for websites of all types and sizes.

One of the key highlights of the VeryUtils Responsive Ajax Contact Form is its responsive design. It is fully tested on iPad, iPhone, and Android devices, ensuring a smooth and consistent user experience no matter the device being used. The Group CSS feature also enables developers to create complex form layouts, making it easy to customize the look and feel of the form to match the website's overall design.

Installing the VeryUtils Responsive Ajax Contact Form is quick and straightforward, and it can be easily embedded into any web page using PHP or HTML. The powerful code framework makes it possible to customize the form in any way desired, giving website owners full control over their contact process. The form validation and filtering features are also highly customizable.

The VeryUtils Responsive Ajax Contact Form also supports file uploads, making it possible to send attachments along with contact requests. The form data can also be saved to a database, providing a convenient and secure way to store information from visitors. A custom autoreply message can be set up to automatically respond to form submissions, and the form can be easily adapted to serve as a register form, quote form, or any other type of form with the desired fields.

Another impressive feature of the VeryUtils Responsive Ajax Contact Form is its multi-language support. With UTF-8 encoding enabled by default, the form can easily process information submitted in various languages, making it a great solution for non-English websites. The form also uses valid HTML5, ensuring compatibility with all major browsers.

To get started with the form design, three ready-to-use themes are included, and the styles can be easily altered to match the website's aesthetic. The jQuery effects provide a visually appealing way to handle form submissions, and the form works just as well with or without JavaScript. If there are any error messages that are out of view, the form will automatically scroll to them, making it easy to resolve any issues and submit the form.

In conclusion, the VeryUtils Responsive Ajax Contact Form is a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for website owners looking to streamline their contact process. With its responsive design, customizable features, and extensive compatibility with various devices and browsers, it is the perfect tool for any web development project.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

VeryUtils Java PDF Command Line SDK API for Developers Royalty Free

VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit is a powerful and versatile Java-based software tool that enables users to manipulate PDF documents with ease. This .jar component can be run directly on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems, and it supports command-line operations for both client and server-side processing of PDFs. With this software, users can split, merge, rotate, watermark, stamp, and secure PDF pages and documents with ease, making it a must-have tool for those working with PDFs on a regular basis.

One of the key features of VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit is its ability to merge PDF documents or collate PDF page scans into one comprehensive document. This is especially useful for users who have multiple PDFs with similar content and would like to combine them into one document for easier organization and management. The software also allows users to split PDF pages into a new document, making it easy to separate important information and share it with others.

VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit also offers a range of security features, including the ability to encrypt or decrypt input as necessary and to fill PDF forms with X/FDF data or flatten forms. Additionally, the software is equipped with tools for generating FDF data stencils from PDF forms and for adding or updating bookmarks and metadata within a PDF document. This makes it easy for users to keep track of important information and to collaborate with others.

Another key feature of VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit is its ability to watermark and stamp PDF documents. This can be done by applying a background watermark or a foreground stamp, which is especially useful for marking confidential or sensitive information. The software also provides users with the ability to report PDF metrics, bookmarks, and metadata, making it easy to keep track of changes to a document and to identify areas that need attention.

In addition to these features, VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit also offers a range of additional capabilities, including the ability to attach files to PDF pages or to the PDF document, to burst a PDF document into single pages, and to uncompress and re-compress page streams. The software also has the ability to repair corrupted PDFs and to extract specific pages from a document.

VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit does not require Adobe Acrobat or Reader and it runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux systems. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their operating system or the tools they have available.

In conclusion, VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit is a powerful and versatile software tool that makes it easy to manipulate PDF documents. With its range of features and capabilities, it is a must-have tool for anyone who needs to work with PDFs on a regular basis. Whether you're looking to merge PDFs, split pages, rotate documents, or secure your information, VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit has everything you need to get the job done.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

VeryUtils URL Shortener is a PHP source code for shorten long URL into a tiny URL

VeryUtils URL Shortener is a PHP source code for shorten long URL into a tiny URL. VeryUtils URL Shortener is a PHP source code that offers a simple and fast way to shorten long URLs into tiny URLs. This URL shortener script is perfect for individuals and businesses looking to streamline their online presence by reducing the length of long links.

Shortening URLs with VeryUtils URL Shortener is effortless. Simply paste the long URL into the designated field, click the "Shorten URL" button, and copy the shortened URL to share it on websites, chat platforms, and emails. With its built-in click counter, users can monitor the number of clicks received from their shortened URLs, making it easy to track the success of marketing campaigns and other online initiatives.

One of the unique selling points of VeryUtils URL Shortener is its versatility. Shortened URLs can be used in a variety of contexts, including advertisements, blogs, forums, and instant messages. This makes it an ideal tool for individuals and businesses looking to optimize their online presence and reach a wider audience.

The PHP URL shortener script is packed with a range of features that make it stand out from the competition. For example, it offers geotargeting and device targeting, which allow users to tailor their campaigns to specific geographic locations or device types. The script also includes a premium membership option and a powerful dashboard and admin panel, as well as a suite of CMS tools for building a dream website.

Another benefit of VeryUtils URL Shortener is its accessibility. The script does not require a database and comes with full PHP source code, which makes it quick and easy to get up and running on your own server. The extended license also turns the script into a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform, which automatically manages payments through Stripe, PayPal, and Bank Transfer.

Finally, VeryUtils URL Shortener provides users with premium support, which includes answering any questions you may have and providing quick hints if needed. As a purchaser of the product, you are entitled to this level of support, ensuring that you have all the resources you need to get the most out of the script.

In conclusion, VeryUtils URL Shortener is a PHP URL shortener script that offers a simple, fast, and versatile way to shorten long URLs. With its built-in features, easy accessibility, and premium support, it is an excellent option for individuals and businesses looking to optimize their online presence and reach a wider audience.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

VeryPDF .NET PDF Editor SDK for Developers Royalty Free

VeryPDF .NET PDF Editor SDK for Developers Royalty Free. Get royalty-free access to a comprehensive PDF toolkit with VeryPDF.NET PDF Editor SDK for Developers. Ideal for .NET applications (C# and VB.NET) and non-managed programs written in Visual Basic 6, Delphi, Microsoft Access, Windev, PHP, Python, Java, JavaScript and more. Experience fast and seamless performance on large documents with the intuitive API that also supports full Unicode. Enjoy a range of valuable features including PDF/A generation, conversion to PDF/A, digital signature support, merging and splitting of PDFs, modification, rasterization, redaction, creation of interactive form fields, PDF layers, and more.

Test VeryPDF PDF Editor Web application from following URL,

VeryPDF PDF Editor OCX Control,

VeryPDF PDF Viewer OCX Control (ActiveX),

Online Document Annotator (Annotate Documents Online),

VeryPDF .NET PDF Editor SDK Main features:

* Read, Edit, Create or Write PDF documents from file or stream

* Convert PDF to PDF/A format with ease

* Control the printing process with full support for incremental saving to preserve document history

* Fast linearized PDF saving (also known as "Fast Web View")

* Interactive PDF features: Actions, document-level navigation and more

* Link files with support for file linking

* Repair corrupted documents with ease

* Pack and compress existing documents to reduce file size by reusing resources

* Handle large documents with ease, delivering speed and performance

* Achieve 100% compliant and smaller PDF documents through strong objects serialization

* Fast text extraction engine available on whole page or ROI

* Add, extract and manage fonts in your PDF documents

* Add, extract, replace, optimize, or remove bitmaps

* Write text with font embedding and full Unicode support

* Draw barcodes with ease

* Flatten PDF form fields and annotations

* Create and edit form fields in your PDF documents

* Edit PDF annotations with ease

* Full support for PDF transparency schemes for rendering and PDF creation

* Graphics state stack and transformation matrix support

* Read and write bookmarks

* Support for Optional Content Groups (PDF Layers)

* Full action support for PDF documents

* Manage file attachments with ease

* Support for page labelling

* Draw pages from a PDF to a page of another PDF

* Clone and duplicate pages with ease

* Encrypt or secure PDF documents with support for all encryption schemes, from RC4 48 bits to AES 256 bits

* Rasterize PDF pages to bitmap with high fidelity rendering and speed

* DigiSign documents with support for Adobe PPKMS and Adobe PPKLite modes

* Redact sensitive information from PDF documents

* Merge, split, swap, delete, append, and rotate pages

* Full interaction with PDFViewer and ThumbnailEx controls

* Edit PDF documents and display updated version in real-time with a viewer

* Low-level API to manipulate paths

* AnyCPU, available in 32-bit & 64-bit versions

* Supports multi-threaded applications

* PDF 2.0 support for reading and writing

* Generate PDF/Universal Accessibility (PDF/UA) for improved accessibility

* And more…

VeryPDF.NET is a comprehensive SDK for software development, offering over 300 features for PDF, OCR, barcode, document imaging, and various formats.

This robust set of APIs is trusted by developers worldwide across various industries, with thousands of users.

VeryUtils OCR Command Line software is a powerful tool for converting scanned paper documents into editable, searchable PDF files

VeryUtils OCR Command Line software is a powerful tool for converting scanned paper documents into editable, searchable PDF files. The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature is designed to extract text from scanned documents and convert it into a digital format that you can edit directly from your PC. This feature saves you time and eliminates the need for manual data entry, making it a valuable addition to your digital workflow.

The OCR feature uses advanced technology that recognizes relevant elements such as text, tables, images, areas, and letters, and converts them into a document ready for editing. The resulting file retains the same font and formatting as the original document, ensuring that the conversion process does not compromise the quality of the content. With this feature, you can convert paper invoices, contracts, purchase orders, data tables, and other documents into high-quality digital PDF files in just a few clicks.

One of the advantages of VeryUtils OCR Command Line software is its batch OCR to PDF feature, which allows you to convert multiple scanned documents into editable, searchable PDF files. This feature can be useful for mass archiving your sensitive documents and is ideal for anyone looking to digitize their paper documents in a secure, convenient, and efficient manner.

The OCR feature works in more than 24 different languages, so whether you work in English, German, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, or another language, you can use this feature to convert your documents into digital PDF files.

In addition to converting scanned documents, the OCR feature also recognizes text in images and photos. You can use this feature to extract text from .png, .jpeg, or .jpg files, or from photos taken with a digital camera. This feature is particularly useful for those who have paper images or photos of documents and need to extract the text for editing purposes.

Finally, VeryUtils OCR Command Line software also allows you to convert PDF files into other formats, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, image format, and more. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to convert an unlimited number of documents into high-quality PDF files in just a few clicks, without losing or altering the original formatting.

In conclusion, VeryUtils OCR Command Line software is a valuable tool for anyone looking to digitize their paper documents. With its OCR feature, you can convert paper documents into editable, searchable PDF files, saving you time and eliminating the need for manual data entry. Whether you're working in a small office or a large corporation, this software is a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their digital workflow.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

VeryUtils Image Crop and Upload using JQuery with PHP Ajax

VeryUtils Image Crop and Upload using JQuery with PHP Ajax. Uploading images is a common feature in web applications, but the size of the images uploaded by the users may not always be suitable for the application. To overcome this issue, the concept of image cropping comes into play. Image cropping is a process of reducing the size of an image by selecting a portion of it and discarding the rest. This not only reduces the size of the image but also makes it look better when it is displayed on the application. In this article, we will be discussing the Image Crop and Upload script in JQuery, Ajax and PHP that has been created by VeryUtils.

Features of VeryUtils Image Crop and Upload using JQuery with PHP Ajax:

* Image crop in PHP: This script allows you to crop images in PHP, which means that you can easily reduce the size of an image before uploading it to the server.

* Download Crop image: After cropping the image, the script allows you to download the cropped image in the desired format, such as JPEG, PNG, etc.

* Define crop size as user want: The script provides the user with the ability to define the crop size according to their requirements. This means that the user can select the portion of the image that they want to keep.

* Square, circle, rectangle shape of crop: The script supports three different shapes of crop - square, circle, and rectangle. This means that the user can select the shape of the crop that they want to use, based on the requirements of their application.

* Easy to use: The script is easy to use, and requires minimal coding knowledge. This means that even a beginner can use it without any difficulties.

* No database required: The script does not require any database, which means that there are no extra setup steps required for using this script.

* Language Used: The script has been written in PHP, and supports PHP version 5.6, 7.x, 8.x and later versions.

* Database: No database is required for using this script.

The VeryUtils Image Crop and Upload script in JQuery, Ajax, and PHP is a great solution for web developers who need to reduce the size of images uploaded by their users. It provides a wide range of features, such as cropping images in PHP, downloading cropped images, defining crop size, and selecting the shape of the crop, making it easy to use. The script is written in PHP and does not require any database, which makes it an ideal solution for web applications.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Customizable VeryUtils Bulk Email Sender With SMTP Rotation

VeryUtils Bulk Email Sender Script for PHP is a software that can be used to send bulk emails to your customers. It can also be used for a variety of other tasks. VeryUtils Bulk Mailer is a simple email marketing tool working with more SMTP servers, It supports multiple SMTP Servers with IP Rotation system. It supports both plain text and HTML email formate. VeryUtils Bulk Mailer is a strong usefull and painless system for email campaigns. included Tracking system, it is now easy to see how much people open your campaign mail.

Use VeryUtils Bulk Email Sender With SMTP Rotation you can use gmail, yahoo, outlook, etc. SMTP Servers for SMTP Rotation.

VeryUtils Bulk Email Sender Script for PHP highlight features:

* Auto SMTP Email Server Rotation.

* Multiple SMTP Servers Support.

* Auto Removel SMTP Server If Not Working.

* Auto resend failed email using other SMTP Servers.

* Auto Subject Rotation.

* Auto Email Body Rotation.

* Create Unlimited Email Campaigns.

* Send Bulk Emails Easyly.

* High Inbox Rate.

* Less Spam Rate.

* Send mail from TXT file email list.

* No database, standalone PHP script.

And Many More features….

Note: We added most of the required features for sending bulk email campaigns easily, if you need more features or want customisation in this defult script "Bulk Email Sender Script For PHP", you can contact us for any type of customisation, we will help you to fullfill your requirements.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Cropping Images in JavaScript by VeryUtils JavaScript Image Cropper

Cropping Images in JavaScript by VeryUtils JavaScript Image Cropper

What is Image Cropping?

Digital images are composed of a grid of vertical and horizontal pixels—in effect, small color squares. Image cropping is a way of photo editing that involves removing a portion of an image, hence reducing the number of pixels and changing the aspect ratio. As a result, you emphasize a subject, reframe it, or direct the viewer's attention to a certain part of the image. You can automate image cropping with scripting languages like JavaScript.

An image cropper is a web & mobile component which enable the user to resize, move, crop an area of images before they're uploaded to the server. The most typical use is to select, crop and upload local images for avatars, cover photos, portfolio images, etc.

VeryUtils JavaScript Image Cropper is a lightweight JavaScript plugin that allow users load, crop, zoom, rotate and apply filters to a image. The plugin is responsive and brings a great user experience across different devices. It is a full open source powerful solution that can be integrated with React, Angular, Vue and among others.


VeryUtils JavaScript Image Cropper is as light as a feather at less than 6kb minified and gzipped!

Deliciously vanilla

VeryUtils JavaScript Image Cropper is made only with 100% native, deliciously vanilla JavaScript.

Zero dependencies

VeryUtils JavaScript Image Cropper is a strong, independent JavaScript component who don't need no dependencies.

VeryUtils JavaScript image cropper Highlight Features:

* Supports touch (mobile)

* Supports zooming

* Supports rotating

* Supports scaling (flipping)

* Supports multiple croppers

* Supports cropping on a canvas

* Supports cropping an image on the browser-side by canvas

* Supports translating Exif Orientation information

* Cross-browser support

* Responsive and Mobile Friendly

* Fast and Beautifully Animations

* Crop, Rotate and Upload images

* Drag and Drop Images and URLs

* Works on all Major Browser

* JavaScript and jQuery API

* Beautiful Animations

* Correctly handles Device Orientation

* Very Fast

* Includes PHP sample files for both sync and async posting

* Compatible with both Bootstrap and Foundation

* Easy to Configure

* High Quality User Experience

* Edit Server Images

* Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery

Browser Support for VeryUtils JavaScript image cropper, JavaScript image cropper is supported in the following browsers:

* Firefox 10+

* Chrome 12+

* Internet Explorer 9+

* Edge

* Safari 4+

* Opera 15+

* iOS (iPhone and iPad)

* Android

VeryUtils JavaScript image cropper FAQ:

A: How to crop a new area after zooming in or zooming out?

Q: Just double-click your mouse to enter crop mode.

A: How to move the image after cropping an area?

Q: Just double-click your mouse to enter move mode.

A: How to fix the aspect ratio in free ratio mode?

Q: Just hold the Shift key when you resize the crop box.

A: How to crop a square area in free ratio mode?

Q: Just hold the Shift key when you crop on the image.

Free VeryUtils AI Photo Enhancer: Register Now & Get 1 Month Free Subscription!

Free VeryUtils AI Photo Enhancer: Register Now & Get 1 Month Free Subscription! Are you looking to take your photo editing skills to the...